Beastmaster 8 Animals and Magical Beasts in your warband that are equal to or lower level than 8 are treated as if they did not have the Difficult or Wild special abilities.
Magic Stone Damage +5 to Undead
Plantmaster 8 Plants in your warband that are equal to or lower level than 8 are treated as if they did not have the Difficult or Wild special abilities.
Briar Web 
sight; radius 4; the next time an affected creature moves, it takes 5 damage and is considered to be in diffucult terrain, ignore spell resistance, does not affect flying creatures
Call Lightning 
sight; 20 Electricity Damage, ignore spell resistance; DC 15; 20 Electricity Damage whenever target creature activates until its save succeeds
Flame Strike 
sight; radius 2; 30 fire damage; DC 16
Neutralize Poison 
touch; remove Poison, and target creature gains Immune Poison.
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Warden of the Wood |
46 Points |
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