Blind-Fight This creature can roll twice against an enemy creatures Conceal ability when making a melee attack. If either result is a success, the attack hits. This creature can also move at normal speed even if it cannot see. Attackers that this creature cannot see do not gain an attack bonus against it. Creatures with Blind-Fight are immune to Gaze Attacks. A creature with Blind-Fight still cannot see invisible enemies, so it cannot make attacks of opportunity against them.
DR 5 Takes 5 less damage from nonmagical melee and ranged attacks.
Spell Resistance May ignore spells unless the caster rolls 11+
True Strike 
This creatures first melee attack of a Skirmish gets attack +20 and automatically succeeds against Conceal.
Chill Touch (Unlimited) touch; 5 damage to living creature or Turn Undead 20 to Undead creature
LE |
Zakya Rakshasa |
36 Points |
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