Blindsight This creature can detect enemies by using nonvisual senses. It automatically succeeds on rolls against an enemy creatures Conceal ability. It can also move at normal speed even if it cannot see. Attackers this creature cannot see do not gain an attack bonus against it. This creature ignores Gaze Attacks, invisibility effects, and the Hide ability.
Cleave Once per turn, after this creature destroys an enemy by reducing its hit points to 0 with its melee attack (even an attack of Opportunity), it can immediately make one extra melee attack against another enemy. If the acting creature can make more than one melee attack, it uses the same one that destroyed the first enemy.
Independent This creature is always under command. It is capable of rallying itself as a commander does, though without a commander it adds only its own level to the morale save, as if it were being rallied by a Commander 0.
Replaces attacks: range 6, target creature makes a morale save.
Methodical Killer +10 Damage +10 against the lowest-level enemy creature currently in play.
Spell Resistance May ignore spells unless the caster rolls 11+
Unique This creature is one of a kind. You cannot have more than one Unique creature with the name Warduke in your warband.
CE |
Warduke |
70 Points |
60/60 ° Dungeons & Dragons ° © Wizards
| Almighty Not affected by allies spells.
Blindsight This creature can detect enemies by using nonvisual senses. It automatically succeeds on rolls against an enemy creatures Conceal ability. It can also move at normal speed even if it cannot see. Attackers this creature cannot see do not gain an attack bonus against it. This creature ignores Gaze Attacks, invisibility effects, and the Hide ability.
Cleave Once per turn, after this creature destroys an enemy by reducing its hit points to 0 with its melee attack (even an attack of Opportunity), it can immediately make one extra melee attack against another enemy. If the acting creature can make more than one melee attack, it uses the same one that destroyed the first enemy.
Replaces attacks: range 6, target creature makes a morale save.
Methodical Killer +10 Damage +10 against the lowest-level enemy creature currently in play.
Spell Resistance May ignore spells unless the caster rolls 11+
Unique This creature is one of a kind. You cannot have more than one Unique creature with the name Warduke in your warband.
CE |
Warduke |
EPIC 208 Points |
60/60 ° Dungeons & Dragons ° © Wizards