Greater Turn Undead 12 As Turn Undead, but creatures that fail the morale save are destroyed
Undead Bane Melee Attack +2 and Damage +10 against Undead enemies.
Evil Bane Melee Attack +2 and Damage +10 against Evil enemies.
Close Wounds 
immediate; range 6; a target that would be reduced to 0 or fewer hp instead has 5 hp remaining
Holy Smite 
sight; radius 4; 20 damage to evil creature or 25 damage to evil Outsiders; DC 16
Make Manifest 
range 6; target creature loses Incorporeal; DC 16
Bolt of Glory 
6th,range 6; 35 damage to evil creature or 60 damage to Undead or evil Outsider.
touch; heal 100 hp
LG |
Van Richten |
EPIC 231 Points |
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