DR 5 Takes 5 less damage from nonmagical melee and ranged attacks.
Fearless This creature automatically succeeds on morale saves. It cannot be frightened.
Life-Drain 10 If target is a living creature, this creature gets +10 hp [to maximum hp]
Resist Cold 10 This creature takes 10 less damage from Cold attacks.
Resist Electricity 1- This creature takes 1- less damage from Electricity attacks.
Stunning Attack 
DC 20: This creature can make a special melee attack to incapacitate an enemy. This must be declared before making the attack. If the attack hits and deals damage, the damaged creature must succeed on a save against DC 20 or be stunned. This attack can only be used once per turn.
Undead Traits Fearless, Immune Confusion, Immune Critical Hits, Immune Dominate, Immune Incite, Immune Paralysis, Immune Poison, Immune Sleep, Immune Sneak Attack, Immune Stun. Heal effects deal damage to Undead.
CE |
Vampire Dire Wolf |
48 Points |
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