BlindsightThis creature can detect enemies by using nonvisual senses. It automatically succeeds on rolls against an enemy creatures Conceal ability. It can also move at normal speed even if it cannot see. Attackers this creature cannot see do not gain an attack bonus against it. This creature ignores Gaze Attacks, invisibility effects, and the Hide ability.
Body Thief When this creature destroys a living enemy with a cost of 50 points or less, you may remove this creature from play and place the destroyed enemy in its space. Use the destroyed enemies printed stats but this creatures hit points.
DR 5Takes 5 less damage from nonmagical melee and ranged attacks.
Immune ElectricityThe creature is not affected by Electricity.
Immune FireThe creature is not affected by Fire.
Spell ResistanceMay ignore spells unless the caster rolls 11+