Overbearing Presence Adjacent noncommander enemies are considererd out of command.
Smite +10 This creature can deal +10 additional damage with a melee attack. You must declare the use of the ability before making the attack. This counts as one use even if the attack misses.
Turn Undead 6 Instead of attacking or casting a spell, this creature can attempt to turn the nearest Undead creature (enemy or ally) of level 6 or lower. Only Undead creatures within 12 squares and to which this creature has line of sight can be affected.
Immediate: Reroll 1 save that this creature just failed; can use when routing
Cure Light Wounds 
touch; heal 5 hp
Inflict Serious Wounds 
touch; 20 negative damage; DC 15
Orders Wrath 
sight; radius 4; 20 damage to Chaotic creatures; DC 16
High Inquisitor |
49 Points |
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