Amazing Beauty A Humanoid that makes an melee attack against this creature must save or that attack automatically misses; DC 17
Turn Undead 10 Instead of attacking or casting a spell, this creature can attempt to turn the nearest Undead creature (enemy or ally) of level 10 or lower. Only Undead creatures within 12 squares and to which this creature has line of sight can be affected.
Cure Serious Wounds 
touch; heal 20 hp
Legions Magic Weapon 
your warband; attack +1, ignore DR
range 6; Confusion, save at the end of affected creatures turn; DC 15
radius 2, centered on caster; 10 damage to other creatures, or 20 damage to LE creatures, can cast while adjacent to enemy; DC 16
CG |
Cleric of Sune |
34 Points |
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