Acrobatic Charge Can charge through allies and terrain that slows movement.
DR 5 Takes 5 less damage from nonmagical melee and ranged attacks.
Immune Electricity The creature is not affected by Electricity.
Pounce When charging, this creature can make all its melee attacks (instead of just one) against the target of its charge. Each attack gets the +2 bonus for charging.
Powerful Charge 10 Melee damage +10 when charging
Rend +10 If this creature hits 1 enemy with both melee attacks on the same turn, damage +10 to second attack.
Smite Evil +10 This creature can deal +10 additional damage with a melee attack against an Evil enemy. You must declare the use of the ability before making the attack. This counts as one use even if the attack misses.
LG |
Blessed Hunter |
47 Points |
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