Conceal 6 When another creature gets an attack result against this creature that would be a hit, the attacker must roll 1d20. If the result of the second roll equals or exceeds the listed number, the attack hits; otherwise, it automatically misses. Even a natural 20 on the attack roll misses if the attackers roll against Conceal fails. If several effects grant Conceal to a creature, only the highest rating applies.
Favor of Lolth Whenever an enemy is destroyed by a Spider of Lolth or poison damage, this creature gains 1 extra use of summon spider of Lolth
Immune Poison This creature is immune to Poison effects
Spell Resistance May ignore spells unless the caster rolls 11+
Spidermaster 20 Spiders in your warband that are equal to or lower level than 20 are treated as if they did not have the Difficult or Wild special abilities.
Venomous Poison that deals damage when a creature activates deals an additional 5 damage
Slashing Darkness 
sight; 10 negative damage
touch; Poison [5 damage whenever poisoned creature activates]; DC 16
Summon Spider of Lolth 
swift; 1 Spider of Lolth
CE |
Drow Arachnomancer |
52 Points |
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