Burrow 4 This creature can move underground instead of on the surface. If it chooses to burrow, it uses that mode for all its movement that turn, and its speed is 4. The burrowing creature ignores terrain effects on the surface while moving and can even pass through squares containing walls and enemy creatures, though it must end its burrowing move in a legal position. While burrowing, the creature is immune to attacks of opportunity and cannot charge; at the end of its move, it returns to the surface and can attack and be attacked normally.
Enraged Acid Spit 
Only when wounded, replaces attacks: line 12; 10 acid damage; DC 14
Feast When it reduces a living enemy to 0 hp with a melee attack, this creature makes a morale save.
Natural Soul Melee attack +2 and melee damage +5 when under command by a commander with Beastmaster.
Wandering Monster Sets up on a random feature tile instead of your assembly tile.
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