In ages past, the term "Wight" meant simply "man". As the years went by, however, the word came to be associated with these dark undead. A wight's appearance is a weird and twisted reflection of the form it had in life. Wild, frantic eyes burn with malevolence. The leathery, dessicated flesh is drawn tight across its bones and the teeth have grown into jagged, sharp needles. Wights lurk in catacombs, barrow-mounds, and other places thick with the aura of death.They seek to destroy all life, filling graveyards with their victims and populating the world with their horrid progeny. Wights have the ability of Energy Drain, where living creatures hit by them receive a Negative Level. Any human slain by a wight becomes a Wight in 1d4 rounds.
Reference: 3E Monster Manual, Pg. 183