Burrow 4 This creature can move underground instead of on the surface. If it chooses to burrow, it uses that mode for all its movement that turn, and its speed is 4. The burrowing creature ignores terrain effects on the surface while moving and can even pass through squares containing walls and enemy creatures, though it must end its burrowing move in a legal position. While burrowing, the creature is immune to attacks of opportunity and cannot charge; at the end of its move, it returns to the surface and can attack and be attacked normally.
Difficult 20 This creature can be put under command only by a commander whose Commander rating is equal to or greater than 20.
replaces attacks; attack +15, 45 damage
Melee Reach 2 This creature can make melee attacks against enemies that are up 2 squares away. Use the ranged attack rules (see page 15) to determine whether the attacker has line of sight to the target and whether the target has cover. This ability does not allow a creature to threaten squares that are not adjacent or make attacks of opportunity against enemies that are not adjacent. Nor does it allow a charging or rushing creature to stop before it is adjacent to the enemy it is rushing or charging. A creature using Melee Reach to attack at a distance does not create a flanking situation.
CE |
Bulette |
57 Points |
67/72 ° Dungeons & Dragons ° © Wizards
Aptly called a "land shark", the bulette is a terrifying predator that lives only to eat. It is universally shunned -- even by other monsters. The bulette is a solitary animal, although mated pairs (very rare) might share the same territory. Bulettes consume their victims clothing, weapons, and all. Their powerful stomach acids quickly destroy armor, weapons, and even magic items. They are not above nibbling on chests or sacks of coins either, the bulette motto being "Eat first and think later."
Reference: 3E Monster Manual, Pg. 28