Breath Weapon 
Replaces attacks: cone; 25 cold damage; DC 14
Immune Cold The creature is not affected by Cold.
Melee Reach 2 This creature can make melee attacks against enemies that are up 2 squares away. Use the ranged attack rules (see page 15) to determine whether the attacker has line of sight to the target and whether the target has cover. This ability does not allow a creature to threaten squares that are not adjacent or make attacks of opportunity against enemies that are not adjacent. Nor does it allow a charging or rushing creature to stop before it is adjacent to the enemy it is rushing or charging. A creature using Melee Reach to attack at a distance does not create a flanking situation.
Lesser Cold Orb range 6; 5 cold damage, ignore Spell Resistance
Blur touch; target creature gains Conceal 6
Scare sight; radius 2; creatures of level 2 or below make a morale save
Lightning Bolt line; 20 electricity damage; DC 15
CG |
Silver Sorcerer |
49 Points |
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