Deflect Arrows This creature gains a +4 bonus to its AC against ranged attacks.
Fearless This creature automatically succeeds on morale saves. It cannot be frightened.
Independent This creature is always under command. It is capable of rallying itself as a commander does, though without a commander it adds only its own level to the morale save, as if it were being rallied by a Commander 0.
Mobility +4 AC against attacks of opportunity.
Save +4 This creature adds +4 to its saves
Smite +10 
This creature can deal +10 additional damage with a melee attack. You must declare the use of the ability before making the attack. This counts as one use even if the attack misses.
Stunning Attack 
This creature can make a special melee attack to incapacitate an enemy. This must be declared before making the attack. If the attack hits and deals damage, the damaged creature must succeed on a save against DC 17 or be stunned. This attack can only be used once per turn.
LG |
Lion Falcon Monk |
36 Points |
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