Electricity Healing 10 This creature heals 10 hp each time it is subject to electricity damage.
Immune Electricity The creature is not affected by Electricity.
Improved Countersong Enemy creatures within 6 squares of this creature cannot benefit from their commanders Commander Effects. The Commander Effects of enemy commanders within 6 squares of this creature do not function. Enemies within 6 squares of this creature cannot be put under command by other creatures. Enemy commanders within 6 squares of this creature cannot put other creatures under command.
Silver Fire 30 Replaces attacks: line 12; 30 damage
Unique This creature is one of a kind. You cannot have more than one Unique creature with the same given name in your warband.
Cure Serious Wounds 
touch; heal 30 hp
touch; target creatures gains Flight
sight; radius 2; Confusion, save at the end of each affected creatures turn; DC 16
Hold Monster 
sight; Paralysis; DC 17
CG |
Storm Silverhand |
EPIC 178 Points |
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