Breath Weapon 
Replaces attacks: line; 20 acid damage; DC 15
Breath Weapon 
Replaces attacks: cone; Slow [Gain Slow Attack (cannot attack and move on the same turn) and cannot make more than 1 attack per turn); DC 15)
Flight This creature can fly over the battle grid instead of moving on the surface, landing at the end of its move. It isnt slowed by terrain features that normally slow movement, such as difficult terrain or statues. It must still fly around walls (which extend to the ceiling of the dungeon). It can move over pits but cannot end its movement on them. A flying creature is immune to Entangle effects. This creature can move and even charge through squares that other creatures occupy (though it cannot end its movement in a space occupied by another creature or in an illegal position). It ignores attacks of opportunity from enemies after the first square of movement during its turn. (It spends that first square taking off.)
Immune Acid The creature is not affected by Acid.
Immune Paralysis This creature ignores the effects of paralysis
Immune Sleep This creature is immune to sleep effects
Hold Person 
sight; Paralysis; Humanoids only; DC 14
Sound Burst 
range 6; radius 2; 5 sonic damage and Stun; DC 14 negates
CG |
Medium Copper Dragon |
32 Points |
20/60 ° Dungeons & Dragons ° © Wizards
Copper dragons are incorrigible pranksters, joke tellers, and riddlers. Most are good-natured but also have a covetous, miserly streak. Copper dragons like dry, rocky uplands and mountains. Copper dragons are determined hunters, considering good sport at least as important as the food. They are known to eat almost anything including metal ores. However, they prize monstrous scorpions and other large poisonous creatures (they say the venom sharpens their wit).Copper Dragons appreciate wit and don't usually harm creatures who can relate a joke, humorous story, or riddle they have not heard before. They quickly get annoyed with anyone who doesn't laugh at their jokes or accept their tricks with good humor. They like to taunt and annoy opponents into giving up or acting foolishly.
Reference: AD&D 3rd Edition Monster Manual I, Pg. 72