Combat Casting Can cast spells while adjacent to enemies.
Conceal 6 When another creature gets an attack result against this creature that would be a hit, the attacker must roll 1d20. If the result of the second roll equals or exceeds 6, the attack hits; otherwise, it automatically misses. Even a natural 20 on the attack roll misses if the attackers roll against Conceal fails. If several effects grant Conceal to a creature, only the highest rating applies.
Disguise Self Until it attacks or casts a spell, this creature has Invisible.
Dodge Giants +4 +4 AC against attacks by Giants
Melee Sneak Attack +10 This creature gains +10 bonus on melee damage if it is flanking the defender, or if the defender is stunned, helpless, or unable to see the attacking creature.
range 6; slide target creature 1 square
Snakes Swiftness 
range 6; target creature may make an immediate attack
sight; target gains Inhibited; DC 15
Invisibility Sphere 
radius 2; self and allies gain Invisible until they attack or cast a spell.
CG |
Gnome Trickster |
27 Points |
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