Arrogant Commander ratings don't add to this creature's morale saves
Blindsight This creature can detect enemies by using nonvisual senses. It automatically succeeds on rolls against an enemy creatures Conceal ability. It can also move at normal speed even if it cannot see. Attackers this creature cannot see do not gain an attack bonus against it. This creature ignores Gaze Attacks, invisibility effects, and the Hide ability.
DR 5 Takes 5 less damage from nonmagical melee and ranged attacks.
Immune Electricity The creature is not affected by Electricity.
Immune Sonic This creature is not affected by Sonic.
Pounce When charging, this creature can make all its melee attacks (instead of just one) against the target of its charge. Each attack gets the +2 bonus for charging.
Resist Cold 20 This creature takes 20 less damage from Cold attacks.
Resist Fire 20 This creature takes 20 less damage from Fire attacks.
Swift; cone; 40 sonic damage; DC 20
LE |
Steel Predator |
94 Points |
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