Fearless This creature automatically succeeds on morale saves. It cannot be frightened.
Lay On Hands 30 
Replaces attacks: touch; heal 30 hp.
Mounted Melee Attack This creature can move at double speed and make a single melee attack at any point during its move
Powerful Charge 20 Melee damage +20 when charging
Smite Evil +15 
This creature can deal +15 additional damage with a melee attack against an Evil enemy. You must declare the use of the ability before making the attack. This counts as one use even if the attack misses.
Spell Resistance May ignore spells unless the caster rolls 11+
Turn Undead 10 
Instead of attacking or casting a spell, this creature can attempt to turn the nearest Undead creature (enemy or ally) of level 10 or lower. Only Undead creatures within 12 squares and to which this creature has line of sight can be affected.
LG |
Mounted Paladin |
EPIC 226 Points |
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